Thank you for trying your best during this hard period of coronavirus(2019-ncov) and thank you for being what we needed.
When this pandemic coronavirus period started, most of us were frightened to see how difficult this situation will affect our health and career though most of students left the country depending on how the situation was getting worse every day and other students stayed in campus and for those who traveled in other cities had to remain till when the situation is stable to get back.
Our beloved university took a quick decision of protecting students who were in campus by closing the school gate to let nobody in or out of campus and university provides masks to every student who is in campus and make sure students check their body temperature every day. Food and other needs are being provided by the university.
For students who traveled around china and out of the country the university is so concerned with their health and safety to where they are by knowing the exact location of every kind of student registered by the school.
As a medical student I didn’t know how it is like to have classes online, most of us wasn’t sure about this online classes because mostly what we need is practical at hospital but when University informed us about this online classes we give a chance and obey the school rules by taking these online classes.
From 24th/February/2020 all XUZHOU MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Students who are in and out of china started taking online classes, teachers made sure to be on time and provide questions and other materials needed after online classes.
Again thank you so much for so much efforts and support that the university is giving us during this hard period, hopeful this will be over soon and get back to our normal daily life as medical students.
As Xuzhou medical students, I would like to thank My university for everything the school have been doing and still doing for the sake of my health and other students in additional of the teachers in our university.
Ø Dean
Ø Vice Dean
Ø Miss LI Laoshi
Ø All Xuzhou Medical University Members