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作者: 科技处
发布时间:2012年04月03日 09:44

题  目:科研实验室运行管理

主讲人:李军  教授  博导

        新加坡国立大学Yong Loo Lin医学院妇产科


时  间:4月5日上午9:00

地  点:主校区101会议室






    李军,男,新加坡人,教授,现任新加坡国立大学Yong Loo Lin医学院妇产科、国立大学医疗卫生系统实验室经理,主要从事博士生、硕士生、本科生的培养,执行各重大研究课题的实验实施。1986年毕业于中华人民共和国第一军医大获得医学学士学位,1991年获得生物学硕士学位,1997年获得哲学博士学位。2011年获得新加坡国立大学妇产科卓越研究管理奖。主要参与的课题包括:1.新型Phytoprogestin Dihydrodiligustilide的活性对映体的手性分离及其特征研究;2.新加坡海水中扰乱性激素化学品的来源和作用的研究;3.由新加坡浮游生物分泌的新型雌激素化合物在人类体内积聚及其功能的分子机制研究。主要参与的产业项目:新加坡国立大学与德国Schwabe药品有限责任公司合作的关于植物属淫羊藿素药物产品的开发。近6年发表18篇SCI,累计影响因子:98。经常性参加国际、国内学术报告,出版报告1篇,参与出版书籍1册。



1.       Fen-Fen Soon, Ley-Moy Ng, X. Edward Zhou, Graham M. West, Amanda Kovach, M. H. Eileen Tan, Kelly M. Suino-Powell, Yuanzheng He, Yong Xu, Michael J. Chalmers, Joseph S, Brunzelle, Huiming Zhang, Huaiyu Yang, Hualiang Jiang, Jun Li, Eu-Leong Yong, Sean Cutler, Jian-Kang Zhu, Patrick R. Griffin, Karsten Melcher, and H. Eric Xu. Molecular Mimicry between Core ABA Signaling Components. Science. 2012 Jan 6;335(6064):85-8 (Author Contribution: critical role in conceiving the project and designed research)

2.       Malapaka RR, Khoo SK, Zhang J, Choi JH, Zhou XE, Xu Y, Gong Y, Li J, Yong EL,Chalmers MJ, Chang L, Resau JH, Griffin PR, Chen YE, Xu HE. Identification and mechanism of a ten carbon fatty acid as a modulating ligand of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jan 2;287(1):183-95 (Contribution: Conducted the experiments)

3.       Ley-Moy Ng, Fen-Fen Soon, X. Edward Zhou, Graham M. West, Amanda Kovach1, Kelly M. Suino-Powell, Michael J. Chalmers, Jun Li, Eu-Leong Yong, Jian-Kang Zhu, Patrick R. Griffin, Karsten Melcher, and H. Eric Xu  Structural basis for basal activity and auto-activation of ABA signaling SnRK2 kinases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Dec 27;108(52):21259-64 (Author Contribution: critical role in conceiving the project and designed research)

4.       Wang L, Soon GH, Seng KY, Li J, Lee E, Yong EL, Goh BC, Flexner C, Lee L. Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Plasma and Intracellular Concentrations of Raltegravir in Healthy Volunteers. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Sep;55(9):4090-5. Epub 2011 Jul 11.

5.       Melcher K, Xu Y, Ng LM, Zhou XE, Soon FF, Chinnusamy V, Suino-Powell KM, Kovach A, Tham FS, Cutler SR, Li J, Yong EL, Zhu JK, Xu HE. Identification and mechanism of ABA receptor antagonism. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2010;17:1102-8. (Author Contribution: critical role in conceiving the project and designed research)

6.       Zhou XE, Suino-Powell KM, Li J, He Y, Mackeigan JP, Melcher K, Yong EL, Xu HE. Identification of SRC3/AIB1 as a preferred coactivator for hormone-activated androgen receptor. J Biol Chem. 2010 Mar 19;285(12):9161-71. (Contribution: Conducted the experiments and Quoted in Proteopedia, Life in 3D)

7.       Melcher K, Ng LM, Zhou XE, Soon FF, Xu Y, Suino-Powell KM, Park  SY, Weiner JJ, Fujii H, Chinnusamy V, Kovach VA, Li J, Wang Y, Li J , Peterson FC, Davin R. Jensen DR, Yong EL, Volkman BF, Cutler SR, JZhu JK, H. Eric Xu HE. A Gate-Latch-Lock Mechanism for Signal Transduction by Abscisic Acid Receptors. Nature 2009;462;602-610 (Author Contribution: critical role in conceiving the project and designed research)

8.       Wong SP, Shen P, Lee L, Li J, Yong EL. Pharmacokinetics of prenylflavonoids and correlations with the dynamics of estrogen action in sera following ingestion of a standardized Epimedium extract. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2009 Sep 8;50(2):216-23.

9.       Li J, Lee L, Gong Y, Shen P, Wong SP, Wise SD, Yong EL. Bioassays for Estrogenic Activity: Development and Validation of Estrogen Receptor (ERalpha/ERbeta) and Breast Cancer Proliferation Bioassays to Measure Serum Estrogenic Activity in Clinical Studies. Assay Drug Dev Technol. 2009 ;7(1):80-9.

10.   Shen P, Wong SP, Li J, Yong EL. Simple and sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay for simultaneous measurement of five Epimedium prenylflavonoids in rat sera. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2009;877(1-2):71-8.


11.   Liu MH, Li J, Shen P, Husna B, Tai ES, Yong EL. A Natural Polymorphism in Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-α Hinge Region Attenuates Transcription due to Defective Release of Nuclear Receptor Corepressor from Chromatin. Molecular Endocrinology 2008;22:1078-92.

12.   E.L. Yong, J. Li, M.H. Liu. Single gene contributions: genetic variants of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (isoforms alpha, beta/delta and gamma) and mechanisms of dyslipidemias. Current Opinion in Lipidology 2008;19:106–112

13.   Wong SP, Li J, Shen P, Gong Y, Yap SP, Yong EL. Ultrasensitive cell-based bioassay for the measurement of global estrogenic activity of flavonoid mixtures revealing additive, restrictive, and enhanced actions in binary and higher order combinations. Assay Drug Development Technologies 2007 Jun;5(3):355-62. 

14.   Yap SP, Shen P, Li J, Lee LS, Yong EL. Molecular and pharmacodynamic properties of estrogenic extracts from the traditional Chinese medicinal herb, Epimedium. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2007 Sep 5;113(2):218-24. 

15.   Yong EL, Wong SP, Shen P, Gong YH, Li J, Hong Y. Standardization and evaluation of botanical mixtures: lessons from a traditional Chinese herb, Epimedium, with oestrogenic properties. Novartis Foundation Symposium. 2007;282:173-88.

16.   Li, J, R Bhuvanakantham and M L Ng, "The glycosylation site in the envelope protein of West Nile virus (Sarafend) plays an important role in replication and maturation process". Journal of General Virology, 87 (2006): 613 622.  (Tier 2 Leading).

17.   Li, J, R Bhuvanakantham and M L Ng, "Identifying the region influencing the cis mode of maturation of West Nile (Sarafend) virus using chimera infectious clones".  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 334  (2005): 714 720.  (Tier 2 Leading).

18.   CHU, J H, R Rajamanonmani, J Li, R Bhuvanakantham, J Lescar and M L Ng, "Inhibition of West Nile virus entry using a recombination domain III from the envelope glycoprotein". Journal of General Virology,  86  (2005): 405 412.  (Tier 2 Leading).Loy CJ, Evelyn S, Lim FK, Liu MH, Yong EL. Growth dynamics of human leiomyoma cells and inhibitory effects of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-{gamma} ligand, pioglitazone. Molecular Human Reproduction 2005;11:561-6. 

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